[Evangelism] World Plone Day 2013
André Nogueira
2013-01-16 20:19:14 UTC
Hi everybody

Just as in previous years, the WPD 2013 will be held on the last Wednesday
of April
So, the World Plone Day 2013 will be held on April 24th 2013.

More information here: https://plone.org/wpd

Be prepared!


Andre Nogueira
andre at simplesconsultoria.com.br
Simples Consultoria
Tel. (11) 3898-2121
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Maurizio Delmonte
2013-01-17 16:05:50 UTC
Thanks for pushing this forward! :)


On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 9:19 PM, Andr? Nogueira <
Post by André Nogueira
Hi everybody
Just as in previous years, the WPD 2013 will be held on the last Wednesday
of April
So, the World Plone Day 2013 will be held on April 24th 2013.
More information here: https://plone.org/wpd
Be prepared!
Andre Nogueira
andre at simplesconsultoria.com.br
Simples Consultoria
Tel. (11) 3898-2121
Evangelism mailing list
Evangelism at lists.plone.org
Maurizio Delmonte - [maurizio.delmonte at abstract.it]

Abstract Open Solutions [http://www.abstract.it] - Tel: +39 081 06 08 213

*Plone Open Garden 3 - 7 Aprile 2013*

[abstract.it/en/plog2013 <http://www.abstract.it/en/plog2013>
abstract.it/it/plog2013 <http://www.abstract.it/it/plog2013> ]


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