[Evangelism] Call for Papers ends on Monday
Philip Bauer
2011-12-09 11:09:07 UTC
We are still looking for talks for the first german-speaking Plone-Konferenz in Munich.
You have until Monday evening to submit a talk.

To submit a talk please use the form on the website (http://konferenz.plone.de/veranstaltung/vortrag-einreichen) or contact me directly.

Hurry up!
Philip Bauer

Conference Office
c/o Starzel.de
Adlzreiterstr. 35
80337 M?nchen
Tel: +49 89 18929534
konferenz at plone.de

Plone Konferenz M?nchen 2012
Professional Content Management
February 22-24 2012
