[Evangelism] Fwd: Plone Symposium Midwest - June 13-22, 2014 - Oshkosh, Wisconsin
T. Kim Nguyen
2014-02-04 22:14:01 UTC
The Plone Rangers at UW Oshkosh <http://www.uwosh.edu> are very pleased and
excited to invite you back to the Plone Symposium
Midwest<https://midwest.plonesymp.org/> in
beautiful, cosmopolitan Oshkosh,
Wisconsin<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oshkosh,_Wisconsin> (where
the average high temperature in June is 77?F or 25?C ... really!)


Last year's Symposium was one of the best attended, with 100 people in the
training classes, 100 for the two main days, and 35+ more who stayed on for
the sprints.

As was the case last year, Plone Symposium Midwest 2014 will be the only
North American event for Plone, so don't miss it!


The Symposium schedule will include:

- 5 days of training <https://midwest.plonesymp.org/training> (June 13-17)

- 2 days of keynotes and talks (June 18 & 19)

- 3 days of sprints <https://midwest.plonesymp.org/sprints-1> (June 20-22)
-- log in and add your sprint


We are working with past years' trainers to bring you a compelling set of
classes. If you are interested in providing training, please see our call
for trainers <https://midwest.plonesymp.org/news/call-for-training>

*Keynotes and Talks*

We will have two streams of talks:

- a more technical stream for developers and systems, and

- a less technical stream for integrators, content editors, and managers.

We are putting the final touches on our talk submission form; it will be
available shortly.

*Sponsor Us!*

The Plone Symposium has always been a non-profit, low cost event. We are
looking for sponsors to help us maintain low registration fees and sponsor
sprinters; if you or your organization are interested in helping, please
see our call for sponsors<https://midwest.plonesymp.org/news/call-for-sponsors>

We look forward to welcoming you back to our beautiful campus!

Kim, on behalf of the Plone Rangers at UW Oshkosh

Follow Us

- Please stay tuned by:
- *Email*: subscribe to the Symposium email
receive updates as we develop the Symposium program.
- *Twitter*: follow at plonesymp <http://twitter.com/plonesymp> or look for
the #psm14 <https://twitter.com/search?q=%23psm14>,
and#ploneedu <https://twitter.com/search?q=%23ploneedu> hash tags
- *Facebook*: join the Plone Symposium Facebook
- *Questions*: contact us <https://midwest.plonesymp.org/contact-info>
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