[Evangelism] Page based CMS
Dylan Jay
2012-12-12 22:54:08 UTC
I only bring this up as its the second time I've heard this term in a week.
Last week a Drupal guy asked me if plone was a page based CMS. This might
be an marketing angle competitors use going forward.

*CMSWire.com (@cmswire <https://twitter.com/cmswire>)*
13/12/12 3:55 AM <https://twitter.com/cmswire/status/278905823156121600>
Page Based Web CMS - Good, Bad or Irrelevant?
smg.io/VAxRdo <http://t.co/fpq97k93>

Download the official Twitter app

Dylan Jay
Technical solution manager
PretaWeb 99552830
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2012-12-12 23:46:18 UTC
When the 'Drupal guy' asked, it might have been more a matter of him
getting a feel for whether Plone is a 'real CMS' that handles structured
content types with custom metadata well, or is just more of a 'basic web
publishing' tool, as Wordpress at least started out as, and some other
tools continue to be (have a main 'Page' content type, folders, files,
images, but not really much in the way of custom types that each have
different properties beyond the typical Dublin Core fields (Title, Desc,
Subject, Creation/Eff/Eff dates, etc.)

That would have been my impression, anyhow. And coming from that angle,
IMHO, I don't think it's a real good marketing strategy for Plone to be
touted as 'page-based'. That would make it sound simple, yet less
capable to me (e.g., Wordpress, et al.)

Post by Dylan Jay
I only bring this up as its the second time I've heard this term in a
week. Last week a Drupal guy asked me if plone was a page based CMS.
This might be an marketing angle competitors use going forward.
13/12/12 3:55 AM <https://twitter.com/cmswire/status/278905823156121600>
Page Based Web CMS - Good, Bad or Irrelevant? #cxm
<http://search.twitter.com/search?q=#cxm> smg.io/VAxRdo
Download the official Twitter app here
Dylan Jay
Technical solution manager
PretaWeb 99552830
Evangelism mailing list
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Ken Wasetis

President & CMS Solution Architect
Contextual Corp.
office: 847-356-3027
ken.wasetis at contextualcorp.com

View this message in context: http://plone.293351.n2.nabble.com/Page-based-CMS-tp7561882p7561883.html
Sent from the Evangelism mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Roger Erens
2012-12-13 01:06:21 UTC
Another possible interpretation might be a 'single-paged website' that
handles navigation and everything else via ajax-calls, staying on the same
Post by ctxlken
When the 'Drupal guy' asked, it might have been more a matter of him
getting a feel for whether Plone is a 'real CMS' that handles structured
content types with custom metadata well, or is just more of a 'basic web
publishing' tool, as Wordpress at least started out as, and some other
tools continue to be (have a main 'Page' content type, folders, files,
images, but not really much in the way of custom types that each have
different properties beyond the typical Dublin Core fields (Title, Desc,
Subject, Creation/Eff/Eff dates, etc.)
That would have been my impression, anyhow. And coming from that angle,
IMHO, I don't think it's a real good marketing strategy for Plone to be
touted as 'page-based'. That would make it sound simple, yet less
capable to me (e.g., Wordpress, et al.)
Post by Dylan Jay
I only bring this up as its the second time I've heard this term in a
week. Last week a Drupal guy asked me if plone was a page based CMS.
This might be an marketing angle competitors use going forward.
13/12/12 3:55 AM <https://twitter.com/cmswire/status/278905823156121600>
Page Based Web CMS - Good, Bad or Irrelevant? #cxm
<http://search.twitter.com/search?q=#cxm> smg.io/VAxRdo
Download the official Twitter app here
Dylan Jay
Technical solution manager
PretaWeb 99552830
Evangelism mailing list
[hidden email] </user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=7561882&i=0>
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To start a new topic under Evangelism, email
ml-node+s293351n293364h72 at n2.nabble.com
To unsubscribe from Evangelism, click here
Post by Dylan Jay
Ken Wasetis
President & CMS Solution Architect
Contextual Corp.
office: 847-356-3027
ken.wasetis at contextualcorp.com
Sent from the Evangelism mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Evangelism mailing list
Evangelism at lists.plone.org
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Maurizio Delmonte
2012-12-19 08:41:10 UTC
actually, this
[START] as a page based CMS,
[GROW] to *your* content types CMS
be [IMPRESS]ed by what you can get from Plone
is already the motor we have for plone.com as it is now..
make sense to you? :)

Post by ctxlken
When the 'Drupal guy' asked, it might have been more a matter of him
getting a feel for whether Plone is a 'real CMS' that handles structured
content types with custom metadata well, or is just more of a 'basic web
publishing' tool, as Wordpress at least started out as, and some other
tools continue to be (have a main 'Page' content type, folders, files,
images, but not really much in the way of custom types that each have
different properties beyond the typical Dublin Core fields (Title, Desc,
Subject, Creation/Eff/Eff dates, etc.)
That would have been my impression, anyhow. And coming from that angle,
IMHO, I don't think it's a real good marketing strategy for Plone to be
touted as 'page-based'. That would make it sound simple, yet less
capable to me (e.g., Wordpress, et al.)
Post by Dylan Jay
I only bring this up as its the second time I've heard this term in a
week. Last week a Drupal guy asked me if plone was a page based CMS.
This might be an marketing angle competitors use going forward.
13/12/12 3:55 AM <https://twitter.com/cmswire/status/278905823156121600>
Page Based Web CMS - Good, Bad or Irrelevant? #cxm
<http://search.twitter.com/search?q=#cxm> smg.io/VAxRdo
Maurizio Delmonte - [maurizio.delmonte at abstract.it]

Abstract Open Solutions [http://www.abstract.it] - Tel: +39 081 06 08 213

*Some news from the PloneConf!* [http://goo.gl/gtXHQ]


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