[Evangelism] Interesting places to market plone
Dylan Jay
2010-01-14 11:21:17 UTC

Came across this report today [1]. Not sure about the conclusion or
methodology used BUT what struck me is the report uses many different
metrics to determine popularity. The list of metrics could potentially
make for a good todo of areas where could do more to make plone popular.

For instance:

Weekly download rate: Report didn't have data on plone so perhaps we
could report the download count?

Development services on elance etc: These figures weren't too good for
plone but I'd say that's mainly because Plone IMO seems to have more
professional services companies and less solo developers than other
platforms. I'm not sure what we could do to improve this but perhaps
more of us should sign up these services if only to show that there
really are a lot of plone companies out there?

SEO: Interesting that plone doesn't even appear for the google search
"cms" (drupal and joomla and #2 and #3) Even something called "plume"
is in there? Perhaps we're using "content management system" instead
of CMS too much in plone.org content/frontpage? The most relevent hits
on plone.org search for CMS aren't pretty light on content. Anyone
else have any ideas?

Mindshare: Search activity etc has been talked about enough. They also
looked at twitter activity but not for plone. Traditional media
mentions, Blog mentions, google/facebook/myspace groups etc... I guess
we're doing everything we can do about that.

Demo popularity on opensourcecms.com being used as a metric is
annoying since it's PHP only. There has been talk of having a live
demo on plone.org. I'm sure someone has looked at this before but
opensourcecms allows offside demos so I can't see why they wouldn't
link to a demo.plone.org if it was available. They also use the
ratings on opensourcecms.com.

Ultimately it's a report on popularity which doesn't mean "good" and
their conclusions on plone are pretty weak since they seem to be based
only on google activity results but interesting where we could spread
our evangelism efforts.

[1] http://www.cmswire.com/cms/web-cms/survey-most-popular-open-source-cms-002944.php

Dylan Jay, Plone Solutions Manager
Karl Horak
2010-01-14 16:48:10 UTC

Thanks for bringing this up. I can knock off that first item you mention,
weekly downloads.

As a first whack, the https://code.edge.launchpad.net/plone/+download
LaunchPad numbers for the past 12 months (basically version 3.2 and up)
total 1.14 M. Average weekly downloads are therefore right around 22,000.
That puts Plone in 4th place just below Drupal and 4x higher than the next
lower system. The great majority of Plone downloads are 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.

Considering that most of CMS Wire's stats are self-reported by the
respective dot orgs, I would give the actual LaunchPad numbers higher
credibility. In their table (Exhibit 1, page 16) only Typo3 has actual
SourceForge numbers. I'm a little surprised that CMS Wire couldn't find the
Plone download statistics since they are publicly available on LaunchPad.

Post by Dylan Jay
Weekly download rate: Report didn't have data on plone so perhaps we
could report the download count?
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Interesting-places-to-market-plone-tp4390862p4391827.html
Sent from the Evangelism mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2010-01-14 21:44:54 UTC

I would like to add a new, hopefully interesting perspective to Plone
marketing, in the area of government and non-profits.

Since I have been engaged in the e-participation and e-democracy issues on
my professional field as a researcher and playing other roles on the side of
non-profits and businesses, I see, that Plone is really performing well -
and could use this performance on a community and marketing level to improve
the visibility and strenghten existing good development directions.

We hardly see the well documented combination of using opensource software
and excellent documentation, like it can be grabbed at the ecampaigning tool
product http://plone.org/products/ecampaigning-tool (which still needs some
improvement to work on plone3 and lacks the developer community's
recognition of it's importance for NGOs).

The existing integration to Salesforce, the basic level tool for getting in
touch with representatives with http://plone.org/products/megaphone
Collective Megaphone , or the basic level "eggified" Opinion suite
http://www.delib.co.uk/products_and_services/opinion-suite with a better
communication focus could make Plone well recognised in the arena.

Of course, as I see, we do lack some focused knowledge management to improve
the communication of social responsible benefits of using open source
software. I do think, that showing strong commitment on supporting
democratic instruments on the developer level is a right behaviour to
improve recognition with some marketing support.

Improved relationship with citizens-members shows the same challenge, how
collective amberjack http://plone.org/products/collective.amberjack is
helping the less advanced users to go step by step...

So, beside the existing presence, I what I have in my mind, is a possible
package in form of tied together software packeges eggified and tuned into
well researched needs of different sectors (like with basic level
ecampaigning and edemocracy with the mentioned products).

However, I know, that many parts of the world is really above these basic
requirements - on the other hand, most part of the worlds democracies,
including governments are still looking for solutions in this field.

Anyhow, I would be extremely happy to participate in writing some sort of a
democracy focused Plone white paper from the e-demorcacy, e-participation
perspective, or to shape somehow the collective efforts to better
communicate the existing good stuff around - and to open paths to combine
and develop them further!
Maybe in a form of an e-government/e-democracy/ngo sprint/camp?

Any thoughts are welcome - btw, I am new on this list, some of you have met
me in Budapest.
Currently working with Balazs at Greenfinity.

with kind regards,
Post by Dylan Jay
Came across this report today [1]. Not sure about the conclusion or
methodology used BUT what struck me is the report uses many different
metrics to determine popularity. The list of metrics could potentially
make for a good todo of areas where could do more to make plone popular.
Weekly download rate: Report didn't have data on plone so perhaps we
could report the download count?
Development services on elance etc: These figures weren't too good for
plone but I'd say that's mainly because Plone IMO seems to have more
professional services companies and less solo developers than other
platforms. I'm not sure what we could do to improve this but perhaps
more of us should sign up these services if only to show that there
really are a lot of plone companies out there?
SEO: Interesting that plone doesn't even appear for the google search
"cms" (drupal and joomla and #2 and #3) Even something called "plume"
is in there? Perhaps we're using "content management system" instead
of CMS too much in plone.org content/frontpage? The most relevent hits
on plone.org search for CMS aren't pretty light on content. Anyone
else have any ideas?
Mindshare: Search activity etc has been talked about enough. They also
looked at twitter activity but not for plone. Traditional media
mentions, Blog mentions, google/facebook/myspace groups etc... I guess
we're doing everything we can do about that.
Demo popularity on opensourcecms.com being used as a metric is
annoying since it's PHP only. There has been talk of having a live
demo on plone.org. I'm sure someone has looked at this before but
opensourcecms allows offside demos so I can't see why they wouldn't
link to a demo.plone.org if it was available. They also use the
ratings on opensourcecms.com.
Ultimately it's a report on popularity which doesn't mean "good" and
their conclusions on plone are pretty weak since they seem to be based
only on google activity results but interesting where we could spread
our evangelism efforts.
Dylan Jay, Plone Solutions Manager
Evangelism mailing list
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Interesting-places-to-market-plone-tp4390862p4393390.html
Sent from the Evangelism mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Dylan Jay
2010-01-14 05:13:23 UTC

Came across this report today [1]. Not sure about the conclusion or
methodology used BUT what struck me is the report uses many different
metrics to determine popularity. The list of metrics could potentially
make for a good todo of areas where could do more to make plone popular.

For instance:

Weekly download rate: Report didn't have data on plone so perhaps we
could report the download count?

Development services on elance etc: These figures weren't too good for
plone but I'd say that's mainly because Plone IMO seems to have more
professional services companies and less solo developers than other
platforms. I'm not sure what we could do to improve this but perhaps
more of us should sign up these services if only to show that there
really are a lot of plone companies out there?

SEO: Interesting that plone doesn't even appear for the google search
"cms" (drupal and joomla and #2 and #3) Even something called "plume"
is in there? Perhaps we're using "content management system" instead
of CMS too much in plone.org content/frontpage? The most relevent hits
on plone.org search for CMS aren't pretty light on content. Anyone
else have any ideas?

Mindshare: Search activity etc has been talked about enough. They also
looked at twitter activity but not for plone. Traditional media
mentions, Blog mentions, google/facebook/myspace groups etc... I guess
we're doing everything we can do about that.

Demo popularity on opensourcecms.com being used as a metric is
annoying since it's PHP only. There has been talk of having a live
demo on plone.org. I'm sure someone has looked at this before but
opensourcecms allows offside demos so I can't see why they wouldn't
link to a demo.plone.org if it was available. They also use the
ratings on opensourcecms.com.

Ultimately it's a report on popularity which doesn't mean "good" and
their conclusions on plone are pretty weak since they seem to be based
only on google activity results but interesting where we could spread
our evangelism efforts.

[1] http://www.cmswire.com/cms/web-cms/survey-most-popular-open-source-cms-002944.php

Dylan Jay, Plone Solutions Manager
Karl Horak
2010-01-14 10:47:58 UTC

Thanks for bringing this up. I can knock off that first item you mention,
weekly downloads.

As a first whack, the https://code.edge.launchpad.net/plone/+download
LaunchPad numbers for the past 12 months (basically version 3.2 and up)
total 1.14 M. Average weekly downloads are therefore right around 22,000.
That puts Plone in 4th place just below Drupal and 4x higher than the next
lower system. The great majority of Plone downloads are 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.

Considering that most of CMS Wire's stats are self-reported by the
respective dot orgs, I would give the actual LaunchPad numbers higher
credibility. In their table (Exhibit 1, page 16) only Typo3 has actual
SourceForge numbers. I'm a little surprised that CMS Wire couldn't find the
Plone download statistics since they are publicly available on LaunchPad.

Post by Dylan Jay
Weekly download rate: Report didn't have data on plone so perhaps we
could report the download count?
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Interesting-places-to-market-plone-tp4390862p4391827.html
Sent from the Evangelism mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2010-01-14 15:44:41 UTC

I would like to add a new, hopefully interesting perspective to Plone
marketing, in the area of government and non-profits.

Since I have been engaged in the e-participation and e-democracy issues on
my professional field as a researcher and playing other roles on the side of
non-profits and businesses, I see, that Plone is really performing well -
and could use this performance on a community and marketing level to improve
the visibility and strenghten existing good development directions.

We hardly see the well documented combination of using opensource software
and excellent documentation, like it can be grabbed at the ecampaigning tool
product http://plone.org/products/ecampaigning-tool (which still needs some
improvement to work on plone3 and lacks the developer community's
recognition of it's importance for NGOs).

The existing integration to Salesforce, the basic level tool for getting in
touch with representatives with http://plone.org/products/megaphone
Collective Megaphone , or the basic level "eggified" Opinion suite
http://www.delib.co.uk/products_and_services/opinion-suite with a better
communication focus could make Plone well recognised in the arena.

Of course, as I see, we do lack some focused knowledge management to improve
the communication of social responsible benefits of using open source
software. I do think, that showing strong commitment on supporting
democratic instruments on the developer level is a right behaviour to
improve recognition with some marketing support.

Improved relationship with citizens-members shows the same challenge, how
collective amberjack http://plone.org/products/collective.amberjack is
helping the less advanced users to go step by step...

So, beside the existing presence, I what I have in my mind, is a possible
package in form of tied together software packeges eggified and tuned into
well researched needs of different sectors (like with basic level
ecampaigning and edemocracy with the mentioned products).

However, I know, that many parts of the world is really above these basic
requirements - on the other hand, most part of the worlds democracies,
including governments are still looking for solutions in this field.

Anyhow, I would be extremely happy to participate in writing some sort of a
democracy focused Plone white paper from the e-demorcacy, e-participation
perspective, or to shape somehow the collective efforts to better
communicate the existing good stuff around - and to open paths to combine
and develop them further!
Maybe in a form of an e-government/e-democracy/ngo sprint/camp?

Any thoughts are welcome - btw, I am new on this list, some of you have met
me in Budapest.
Currently working with Balazs at Greenfinity.

with kind regards,
Post by Dylan Jay
Came across this report today [1]. Not sure about the conclusion or
methodology used BUT what struck me is the report uses many different
metrics to determine popularity. The list of metrics could potentially
make for a good todo of areas where could do more to make plone popular.
Weekly download rate: Report didn't have data on plone so perhaps we
could report the download count?
Development services on elance etc: These figures weren't too good for
plone but I'd say that's mainly because Plone IMO seems to have more
professional services companies and less solo developers than other
platforms. I'm not sure what we could do to improve this but perhaps
more of us should sign up these services if only to show that there
really are a lot of plone companies out there?
SEO: Interesting that plone doesn't even appear for the google search
"cms" (drupal and joomla and #2 and #3) Even something called "plume"
is in there? Perhaps we're using "content management system" instead
of CMS too much in plone.org content/frontpage? The most relevent hits
on plone.org search for CMS aren't pretty light on content. Anyone
else have any ideas?
Mindshare: Search activity etc has been talked about enough. They also
looked at twitter activity but not for plone. Traditional media
mentions, Blog mentions, google/facebook/myspace groups etc... I guess
we're doing everything we can do about that.
Demo popularity on opensourcecms.com being used as a metric is
annoying since it's PHP only. There has been talk of having a live
demo on plone.org. I'm sure someone has looked at this before but
opensourcecms allows offside demos so I can't see why they wouldn't
link to a demo.plone.org if it was available. They also use the
ratings on opensourcecms.com.
Ultimately it's a report on popularity which doesn't mean "good" and
their conclusions on plone are pretty weak since they seem to be based
only on google activity results but interesting where we could spread
our evangelism efforts.
Dylan Jay, Plone Solutions Manager
Evangelism mailing list
Evangelism at lists.plone.org
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Interesting-places-to-market-plone-tp4390862p4393390.html
Sent from the Evangelism mailing list archive at Nabble.com.