[Evangelism] call for talk proposals - Plone Symposium Midwest / June 13-22, 2014
2014-03-10 16:29:55 UTC
Submit your talk proposals for Plone Symposium Midwest!


Have you been working on a particularly noteworthy project or want to showcase a site you built? Do you have an application of Plone in a specific industry or sector, a product you've used or developed you want to share? We want to hear about it!

Some topics ideas:

- Diazo theming
- Plone 5's new features
- Dexterity
- tiles / cover
- multi-site deployments, content sharing
- intranets & workflow apps
- [your idea goes here]

Please submit your talk proposals by April 1, and we will get back to you by April 8. Talks will be scheduled on June 18 or 19.

On behalf of the PSM planning team,


Plone Symposium Midwest will be June 13 - 22, 2014
?5 days of training, 2 days of talks, 3 days of sprints

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